1. For each of the main phases in the Customer Lifecycle, identify your main marketing objective.
    If you have very specific goals already that are related to that phase, go ahead and add those. 

  2. For each of the main steps in each phase, identify the marketing tactics you’ll use to keep people moving through the lifecycle.

  3. Where relevant, describe how you will engage customers/leads for each tactic.

    While not every tactic will lend itself easily to engagement, try to be creative about how you could at least move people in that direction.

  4. Once you’ve completed your plan, review it to see where there is overlap in tactics or where you need to make changes.

    In many cases, you may have tactics you use which cross over from one phase to the next. That’s ok and expected! It just means you need to keep it in mind when developing any content or implementing the tactic.

  5. Finally, share how you will implement your tactics.

    You can also use the space at the very bottom of each phase, as well as at the end of the plan, to outline general next steps for implementation.

    You can use a separate spreadsheet or project management tool, such as Asana or Trello, when you’re ready to get into detailed project planning.

  6. Review Example Responses

  7. After completing all the assignment questions, scroll down until you see “How do I mark this assignment as complete?”

REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT: Customer Lifecycle Marketing Plan

For each of the Main Phases in the Customer Lifecycle, identify your main marketing objective. For each of the Main Steps in each phase identify the marketing tactics you’ll use to keep people moving through the lifecycle. Where relevant, describe how you will engage customers/leads for each tactic. Finally, share how you will implement your tactics.

Step 1 of 4
