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Boomin University
Corporate Partnerships
45 Minute MKTG 1:1 Coaching Guide
MEETING PREP (15 Minutes)
Coach Name
Client Name
Select Module
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Appointment Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Did you review this week's marketing asset(s) prior to the appointment?
No marketing assets this week
Have you reviewed this moduel's coursework prior to the appointment and left feedback in the courseboook?
Client did not complete coursework before my prep time
Have you checked your @blackbusinessboom email to see if any questions were sent by client in advance?
AGENDA (45 Minutes)
ATTENDANCE: (0.5 min)
Absent (please wait 10 minutes before marking as absent)
Client understands scope of meeting
In order to optimize your experience and outcomes in this program, coaches are required to prioritize your 1:1 discussion as follows: (1) Inform you on how to start and continue using your Done For You (DFY) marketing assets, which are the first priority and essential to your long-term success. (2) Respond to your questions to help you progress through your digital coursebook. This ensures you are on the right path of creating an overall quality marketing strategy plan per topic. (3) Further discussion of current marketing class topics, if time allows
CHECK-IN: Ask client, "how confident do you currently feel at applying the concepts covered during this week's class?" (1 min)
Not Confident (feel lost and can not apply what I have learned at this time)
Somewhat Confident ( can plan next steps but unsure if moving in the right direction)
Very Confident (I am ready to plan next steps and know how to execute them )
Missed class session and has not watch recording yet
DFY: Inform client on how to start and continue using their Done For You (DFY) marketing asset(s) (10- 20 min)
Discussed asset(s)
Maximum time (20 minutes) spent on this may lead to no open-ended questions at the end of meeting. However please note, Done For You (DFY) marketing assets are a priority due it contributing to client's long-term success
COURSEWORK: Review or highlight specific feedback that you provided in coursebook and respond to questions in allotted time (10 min)
Discussed feedback and responded to questions
Not completed before coaching session and moved forwarded to next agenda item
NEXT STEPS: Ask Client, "as a result of today's discussion what are your marketing plans in response to the current module's assets and topic(s)"? (10 min)
SMART Goals = Smart, Measurable, Attainable, and Time Specific
OTHER QUESTIONS: If time allows, ask Client "Would they like for you to further explain any topics mentioned in this week's module or do they have any other marketing questions? (0-10 min)
SMART Goals = Smart, Measurable, Attainable, and Time Specific
REMINDERS: Inform client of the following (2 min):
When the next class session will be and complete any outstanding work before then
When the next 1:1 session will be
Complete coach 1:1 survey (copy link: within 24 hours
Complete Module Survey within 24 hours (if they have not done so already)
Please add any additional notes here that will be helpful to the Internal Boomin University Team in assessing outcomes, engagement, issues etc. for this participant. Please let us know of any concerns, successes, technical difficulties, etc. here. Thank you for your continued support!