Building Boomin Black Businesses
Step 1 of 2
2-Step Registration Process:
1. Confirm enrollment
2 Complete Participation Agreement
Onboarding Starts Immediately after Registration:
After you complete registration, you will be taken to a page to start the 4-Step Onboarding Process. If can not immediately start onboarding, you can access the instructions that will be sent to your email upon submitting the registration form. You will also automatically receive an emailed invitation to orientation as part of onboarding. We will manually send out an invitation for recurring post-orientation group sessions as soon as possible.
In this section you are confirming that you have made arrangements to attend all of the mandatory sessions. You are also prepared to spend time outside of sessions to complete coursework and optional one-on-one coaching. Overall, you will need to dedicate 10-14 hours total while enrolled in the basic 4-week program